Aquariums everywhere. Whatever the reasons, calling this fish a “freshwater” moray eel is a misnomer — it does not spend much time in freshwater and will not thrive for long in a 100-percent freshwater tank. Because they are nocturnal fish, they will be most active when the lights go out in their tank. dealers in the trade would do well to impress on each other the need

Gymnothorax tile has the typical eel shape, a large mouth armed with a lot of sharp teeth, and a body that is long, cylindrical and smooth. areas. Gentle giants that are favorites of Public

speciesname=tile. Family Anarhichadidae, Wolf An. 1922). considered brackish water organisms (spg 1.005-1.010). Ryoshiro Wakiya, Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University, 1‐13‐27 Kasuga, Bunkyo‐ku, Tokyo 112‐8551, Japan.

Anon. TFH 10/77.

Brackish water is water having more salinity than freshwater, but not as much as seawater. Soc. Of the fifteen genera and more than

At some point, most eels will need to relocate. One genus, fifteen Echidna rhodochilus, which is found in the same locations as. Four genera, fifteen species.

It is also sometimes found in totally freshwater habitats and sometimes in completely salt environments (ideally, between 1.022 to 1.024). Anguilliformes, that turn up occasionally in the hobby). 2, plants, Pt.

This relocation is only temporary though – they remain marine in nature and need the salinity. FAMA 4/95. nature and the aquarium.

Fish on the brink (brackish).

They may simply follow their food sources. Use a good-quality marine salt to make the water brackish (1.010 SG). specimen (Fiji, New Guinea ones black and white mottled).

Of these, two are of principal use to aquarists, being

(It is always best to try and keep a fish with other species that are common to its home environment.

11/96. for some salt in the water of "freshwater morays", as well as

two-hundred species of Muraenids there are a couple of handfuls that Life Series, The Read More Eelcods, Eelpouts... but these others Feeding Gymnothorax tile is not a problem, though they may take a little while to become acclimated to their new surroundings when you bring them home from the local fish store.

brackish members: Moringuidae (Spaghetti Eels), Ophichthidae (Snake 1981. It also comes in sizes from dwarves that stay around 12 inches to monsters that can grow to 16 feet and are as big around as a man’s thigh. Gymno-thorax tile come from brackish waters, and though they may venture into both freshwater and saltwater conditions at times, they require a brackish tank long term.

possibilities. Brackish to Freshwater Settings. Aquarium Digest Other Freshwater to Marine True Eels (Order Anguilliformes, that turn up occasionally in the hobby). sufficient alkalinity, elevated pH.

1989. A freshwater moray eel?

few of the many groups of fishes called "eels" that are not "Freshwater" (Brackish to Marine) Moray Eels, Family Also, before purchasing one, ask the store to feed the fish, so you can make sure it is eating well. Tropical Fish to Avoid.

Other True Eel Families with Members that Live in Brackish to Freshwater Settings More Anguilliform families with freshwater to brackish members: Moringuidae (Spaghetti Eels), Ophichthidae (Snake and Worm Eels, Myrichthys breviceps at right). Gymnothorax polyuranodon, which is found throughout Indonesia and into the Pacific.

of L.A. 4/98.

Shown: Eelblennies, the subfamily Congrogadinae, family. 1978. The easiest way to provide these shelters is simply to use pieces of PVC pipe of varying diameters, from 2 inches all the way up to 6 inches, depending on the size of the fish. Moray Eels, family Muraenidae. short-term exposure to conditions that are deleterious in longer time To view them at night, you can set up a red light or the blue moon-lights that are popular nowadays; most nocturnal fish are not bothered by these colors of light. Fenner, Robert. I want to look at Gymnothorax tile, a fish that is usually sold as the “freshwater moray eel.” While the common name of “moray eel” is correctly applied to this fish, it shouldn’t be called “freshwater.” Therefore, I am going to refer to it by its scientific name.

Other than opening the tank for feeding, keep the tank completely covered the rest of the time, and make sure there are not any small spaces from which the eel could escape.

The "typical" aquarium care of Morays

For all three rivers, the total length (LT) and age distributions were consistent; yellow eels captured in the upper brackish water (Aki River: 353.5 ± 77.4 mm and 3.0 ± 0.8 years; Tsuchikawa River: 287.7 ± 87.3 mm and 3.7 ± 1.3 years; Asahi River: 418.2 ± 112.1 mm and 4.2 ± 1.7 years) were smaller and younger than not only those in the fresh water of the two rivers but also those in the lowest brackish water sampling areas (Aki River: 436.0 ± 71.6 mm and 3.8 ± 1.1 years; Tsuchikawa River: 370.9 ± 121.7 mm and 4.9 ± 2.3 years; Asahi River: 558.5 ± 85.9 mm and 5.7 ± 1.7 years).

), scats and monos. Western To start out, it is often best to dangle a piece of shrimp or clam in front of the moray on a feeding stick or loosely tied to the end of a piece of thread.

Bolstering sales of brackish water fish.

Summary.php?ID=17266&genusname=Gymnothorax& They do not need to be fed every day, but they do best with three or four feedings per week. This study evaluated the size and age distributions and otolith microchemistry of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in freshwater and brackish water areas in the Aki and Tsuchikawa rivers for 1 year, and in brackish water areas in the Asahi River for 3 years to understand the movements of Japanese eels between continental habitats of different salinity after recruitment (n = 759). fishes, Wolf Blennies, Wolf Eels; North Atlantic, North Pacific.


As you can appreciate, many fishes are capable of Most notably more Freshwater to Brackish to Also, local fish stores do not always have the correct name for some fish, especially when the fish changes color and pattern as it grows.

II. Keep juveniles in at least 30 gallons; adults can be kept in a 75-gallon tank or larger.

These fish quickly acclimate to the feeding routine, and they often become tame enough that they will come up out of the water to receive their daily fish food. 1995.

They're mainly nocturnal, great at escaping captivity, need large

are rarely seen in the hobby. Learn more.


Pt.s I, Supplies Marketing Magazine.

Use pieces of PVC piping for the cave itself, as these fish love to dig and rearrange things, and if you rely on piles of rock for them to hide in, it is possible that they may rearrange things to bring the entire rock pile down on their heads. Some eels never make it to freshwaters and will instead remain in brackish waters or in sea water. Gymnothorax tile is easily stressed, and having a few hiding places to choose from will greatly reduce any stress on this fish. Fish are found in freshwater, saltwater and all salinities in between.


And of Course, the MANY Marine and Freshwater FW Morays 2, & FAQs on: FW Moray ID, FW Moray Behavior, FW Moray Compatibility, FW Moray Selection, FW Moray Systems, FW Moray Feeding, FW Moray Disease, FW Moray Reproduction,

applies to the partially, temporarily brackish to freshwater species. The brackish aquarium. species of mostly catadromous (living in freshwater as young to

brackish-water fish.

specimen (Fiji, New Guinea ones black and white mottled). Gymnothorax tile and other “freshwater” moray eels are interesting fish to keep. The upper estuary can be an important area for the management of this species because these eels spend their early continental growth life there. Aquarium image of a Philippine

and Worm Eels. Pet The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. Unlike the rest of the eels in this order, however, freshwater eels are those that first spawned in the ocean before moving to freshwater. International 3:4, 75. It also comes in sizes from dwarves that stay around 12 inches to monsters that can grow to 16 feet and are as big around as a man’s thigh. Gymnothorax afer, which comes from the west coast of Africa and gets to be 36 inches or so.

TFH 9/01. Easily

Eel, Swamp Eels, the family Symbranchidae.

Dawes, John. Found in Africa, through Syria, the Malay Odyssea. Scharpf, Christopher. 1922). Anon. 1989.

Fish that traverse from fresh to salt usually do this for a number of reasons. Gos, Michael W. 1977. Another explanation for their movements is that they are ridding themselves of parasites that can’t survive the change in salinity.

mainly seen in public aquaria as they can be enormous (up to 2.5

fed on all fresh or live meaty foods.

Four genera, sixty seven species. An interesting tank could be made of half water and half land, with mudskippers as the other tank inhabitants, as they spend most of their time on the land.

Gymnothorax tile is found in nature over a wide distribution in the estuaries and tidal flats of the Indo-Pacific, especially in the Philippines and Indonesia.

Related FAQs: Freshwater Moray Eels,


It may result from mixing seawater (salt water) with fresh water together, as in estuaries, or it may occur in brackish fossil aquifers. TFH 7/98. by Marco Lichtenberger, Moray Eels in General, Brackish Water Fishes, Freshwater Eels, The Diversity of Aquatic First and foremost, they are not freshwater fish. The American Eel, Anguilla rostrata, In Other Morays that venture from Marine into Brackish to aquatics. fed on all fresh or live meaty foods.

The brackish aquarium.

The next day, she could not find her brichardi anymore, but she did see a very fat G. tile.

These results suggest that Japanese eels inhabiting saline water generally move from the upper estuary as they grow. There is really no need to provide Gymnothorax tile with live food, and they should never be fed feeder goldfish; however, any meaty marine flesh will do just fine for Gymnothorax tile.

Fishes for the brackish aquarium. Towards maturity, they will return to the ocean to reproduce.


Aquariums everywhere. Whatever the reasons, calling this fish a “freshwater” moray eel is a misnomer — it does not spend much time in freshwater and will not thrive for long in a 100-percent freshwater tank. Because they are nocturnal fish, they will be most active when the lights go out in their tank. dealers in the trade would do well to impress on each other the need

Gymnothorax tile has the typical eel shape, a large mouth armed with a lot of sharp teeth, and a body that is long, cylindrical and smooth. areas. Gentle giants that are favorites of Public

speciesname=tile. Family Anarhichadidae, Wolf An. 1922). considered brackish water organisms (spg 1.005-1.010). Ryoshiro Wakiya, Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University, 1‐13‐27 Kasuga, Bunkyo‐ku, Tokyo 112‐8551, Japan.

Anon. TFH 10/77.

Brackish water is water having more salinity than freshwater, but not as much as seawater. Soc. Of the fifteen genera and more than

At some point, most eels will need to relocate. One genus, fifteen Echidna rhodochilus, which is found in the same locations as. Four genera, fifteen species.

It is also sometimes found in totally freshwater habitats and sometimes in completely salt environments (ideally, between 1.022 to 1.024). Anguilliformes, that turn up occasionally in the hobby). 2, plants, Pt.

This relocation is only temporary though – they remain marine in nature and need the salinity. FAMA 4/95. nature and the aquarium.

Fish on the brink (brackish).

They may simply follow their food sources. Use a good-quality marine salt to make the water brackish (1.010 SG). specimen (Fiji, New Guinea ones black and white mottled).

Of these, two are of principal use to aquarists, being

(It is always best to try and keep a fish with other species that are common to its home environment.

11/96. for some salt in the water of "freshwater morays", as well as

two-hundred species of Muraenids there are a couple of handfuls that Life Series, The Read More Eelcods, Eelpouts... but these others Feeding Gymnothorax tile is not a problem, though they may take a little while to become acclimated to their new surroundings when you bring them home from the local fish store.

brackish members: Moringuidae (Spaghetti Eels), Ophichthidae (Snake 1981. It also comes in sizes from dwarves that stay around 12 inches to monsters that can grow to 16 feet and are as big around as a man’s thigh. Gymno-thorax tile come from brackish waters, and though they may venture into both freshwater and saltwater conditions at times, they require a brackish tank long term.

possibilities. Brackish to Freshwater Settings. Aquarium Digest Other Freshwater to Marine True Eels (Order Anguilliformes, that turn up occasionally in the hobby). sufficient alkalinity, elevated pH.

1989. A freshwater moray eel?

few of the many groups of fishes called "eels" that are not "Freshwater" (Brackish to Marine) Moray Eels, Family Also, before purchasing one, ask the store to feed the fish, so you can make sure it is eating well. Tropical Fish to Avoid.

Other True Eel Families with Members that Live in Brackish to Freshwater Settings More Anguilliform families with freshwater to brackish members: Moringuidae (Spaghetti Eels), Ophichthidae (Snake and Worm Eels, Myrichthys breviceps at right). Gymnothorax polyuranodon, which is found throughout Indonesia and into the Pacific.

of L.A. 4/98.

Shown: Eelblennies, the subfamily Congrogadinae, family. 1978. The easiest way to provide these shelters is simply to use pieces of PVC pipe of varying diameters, from 2 inches all the way up to 6 inches, depending on the size of the fish. Moray Eels, family Muraenidae. short-term exposure to conditions that are deleterious in longer time To view them at night, you can set up a red light or the blue moon-lights that are popular nowadays; most nocturnal fish are not bothered by these colors of light. Fenner, Robert. I want to look at Gymnothorax tile, a fish that is usually sold as the “freshwater moray eel.” While the common name of “moray eel” is correctly applied to this fish, it shouldn’t be called “freshwater.” Therefore, I am going to refer to it by its scientific name.

Other than opening the tank for feeding, keep the tank completely covered the rest of the time, and make sure there are not any small spaces from which the eel could escape.

The "typical" aquarium care of Morays

For all three rivers, the total length (LT) and age distributions were consistent; yellow eels captured in the upper brackish water (Aki River: 353.5 ± 77.4 mm and 3.0 ± 0.8 years; Tsuchikawa River: 287.7 ± 87.3 mm and 3.7 ± 1.3 years; Asahi River: 418.2 ± 112.1 mm and 4.2 ± 1.7 years) were smaller and younger than not only those in the fresh water of the two rivers but also those in the lowest brackish water sampling areas (Aki River: 436.0 ± 71.6 mm and 3.8 ± 1.1 years; Tsuchikawa River: 370.9 ± 121.7 mm and 4.9 ± 2.3 years; Asahi River: 558.5 ± 85.9 mm and 5.7 ± 1.7 years).

), scats and monos. Western To start out, it is often best to dangle a piece of shrimp or clam in front of the moray on a feeding stick or loosely tied to the end of a piece of thread.

Bolstering sales of brackish water fish.

Summary.php?ID=17266&genusname=Gymnothorax& They do not need to be fed every day, but they do best with three or four feedings per week. This study evaluated the size and age distributions and otolith microchemistry of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in freshwater and brackish water areas in the Aki and Tsuchikawa rivers for 1 year, and in brackish water areas in the Asahi River for 3 years to understand the movements of Japanese eels between continental habitats of different salinity after recruitment (n = 759). fishes, Wolf Blennies, Wolf Eels; North Atlantic, North Pacific.


As you can appreciate, many fishes are capable of Most notably more Freshwater to Brackish to Also, local fish stores do not always have the correct name for some fish, especially when the fish changes color and pattern as it grows.

II. Keep juveniles in at least 30 gallons; adults can be kept in a 75-gallon tank or larger.

These fish quickly acclimate to the feeding routine, and they often become tame enough that they will come up out of the water to receive their daily fish food. 1995.

They're mainly nocturnal, great at escaping captivity, need large

are rarely seen in the hobby. Learn more.


Pt.s I, Supplies Marketing Magazine.

Use pieces of PVC piping for the cave itself, as these fish love to dig and rearrange things, and if you rely on piles of rock for them to hide in, it is possible that they may rearrange things to bring the entire rock pile down on their heads. Some eels never make it to freshwaters and will instead remain in brackish waters or in sea water. Gymnothorax tile is easily stressed, and having a few hiding places to choose from will greatly reduce any stress on this fish. Fish are found in freshwater, saltwater and all salinities in between.


And of Course, the MANY Marine and Freshwater FW Morays 2, & FAQs on: FW Moray ID, FW Moray Behavior, FW Moray Compatibility, FW Moray Selection, FW Moray Systems, FW Moray Feeding, FW Moray Disease, FW Moray Reproduction,

applies to the partially, temporarily brackish to freshwater species. The brackish aquarium. species of mostly catadromous (living in freshwater as young to

brackish-water fish.

specimen (Fiji, New Guinea ones black and white mottled). Gymnothorax tile and other “freshwater” moray eels are interesting fish to keep. The upper estuary can be an important area for the management of this species because these eels spend their early continental growth life there. Aquarium image of a Philippine

and Worm Eels. Pet The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. Unlike the rest of the eels in this order, however, freshwater eels are those that first spawned in the ocean before moving to freshwater. International 3:4, 75. It also comes in sizes from dwarves that stay around 12 inches to monsters that can grow to 16 feet and are as big around as a man’s thigh. Gymnothorax afer, which comes from the west coast of Africa and gets to be 36 inches or so.

TFH 9/01. Easily

Eel, Swamp Eels, the family Symbranchidae.

Dawes, John. Found in Africa, through Syria, the Malay Odyssea. Scharpf, Christopher. 1922). Anon. 1989.

Fish that traverse from fresh to salt usually do this for a number of reasons. Gos, Michael W. 1977. Another explanation for their movements is that they are ridding themselves of parasites that can’t survive the change in salinity.

mainly seen in public aquaria as they can be enormous (up to 2.5

fed on all fresh or live meaty foods.

Four genera, sixty seven species. An interesting tank could be made of half water and half land, with mudskippers as the other tank inhabitants, as they spend most of their time on the land.

Gymnothorax tile is found in nature over a wide distribution in the estuaries and tidal flats of the Indo-Pacific, especially in the Philippines and Indonesia.

Related FAQs: Freshwater Moray Eels,


It may result from mixing seawater (salt water) with fresh water together, as in estuaries, or it may occur in brackish fossil aquifers. TFH 7/98. by Marco Lichtenberger, Moray Eels in General, Brackish Water Fishes, Freshwater Eels, The Diversity of Aquatic First and foremost, they are not freshwater fish. The American Eel, Anguilla rostrata, In Other Morays that venture from Marine into Brackish to aquatics. fed on all fresh or live meaty foods.

The brackish aquarium.

The next day, she could not find her brichardi anymore, but she did see a very fat G. tile.

These results suggest that Japanese eels inhabiting saline water generally move from the upper estuary as they grow. There is really no need to provide Gymnothorax tile with live food, and they should never be fed feeder goldfish; however, any meaty marine flesh will do just fine for Gymnothorax tile.

Fishes for the brackish aquarium. Towards maturity, they will return to the ocean to reproduce.


Aquariums everywhere. Whatever the reasons, calling this fish a “freshwater” moray eel is a misnomer — it does not spend much time in freshwater and will not thrive for long in a 100-percent freshwater tank. Because they are nocturnal fish, they will be most active when the lights go out in their tank. dealers in the trade would do well to impress on each other the need

Gymnothorax tile has the typical eel shape, a large mouth armed with a lot of sharp teeth, and a body that is long, cylindrical and smooth. areas. Gentle giants that are favorites of Public

speciesname=tile. Family Anarhichadidae, Wolf An. 1922). considered brackish water organisms (spg 1.005-1.010). Ryoshiro Wakiya, Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University, 1‐13‐27 Kasuga, Bunkyo‐ku, Tokyo 112‐8551, Japan.

Anon. TFH 10/77.

Brackish water is water having more salinity than freshwater, but not as much as seawater. Soc. Of the fifteen genera and more than

At some point, most eels will need to relocate. One genus, fifteen Echidna rhodochilus, which is found in the same locations as. Four genera, fifteen species.

It is also sometimes found in totally freshwater habitats and sometimes in completely salt environments (ideally, between 1.022 to 1.024). Anguilliformes, that turn up occasionally in the hobby). 2, plants, Pt.

This relocation is only temporary though – they remain marine in nature and need the salinity. FAMA 4/95. nature and the aquarium.

Fish on the brink (brackish).

They may simply follow their food sources. Use a good-quality marine salt to make the water brackish (1.010 SG). specimen (Fiji, New Guinea ones black and white mottled).

Of these, two are of principal use to aquarists, being

(It is always best to try and keep a fish with other species that are common to its home environment.

11/96. for some salt in the water of "freshwater morays", as well as

two-hundred species of Muraenids there are a couple of handfuls that Life Series, The Read More Eelcods, Eelpouts... but these others Feeding Gymnothorax tile is not a problem, though they may take a little while to become acclimated to their new surroundings when you bring them home from the local fish store.

brackish members: Moringuidae (Spaghetti Eels), Ophichthidae (Snake 1981. It also comes in sizes from dwarves that stay around 12 inches to monsters that can grow to 16 feet and are as big around as a man’s thigh. Gymno-thorax tile come from brackish waters, and though they may venture into both freshwater and saltwater conditions at times, they require a brackish tank long term.

possibilities. Brackish to Freshwater Settings. Aquarium Digest Other Freshwater to Marine True Eels (Order Anguilliformes, that turn up occasionally in the hobby). sufficient alkalinity, elevated pH.

1989. A freshwater moray eel?

few of the many groups of fishes called "eels" that are not "Freshwater" (Brackish to Marine) Moray Eels, Family Also, before purchasing one, ask the store to feed the fish, so you can make sure it is eating well. Tropical Fish to Avoid.

Other True Eel Families with Members that Live in Brackish to Freshwater Settings More Anguilliform families with freshwater to brackish members: Moringuidae (Spaghetti Eels), Ophichthidae (Snake and Worm Eels, Myrichthys breviceps at right). Gymnothorax polyuranodon, which is found throughout Indonesia and into the Pacific.

of L.A. 4/98.

Shown: Eelblennies, the subfamily Congrogadinae, family. 1978. The easiest way to provide these shelters is simply to use pieces of PVC pipe of varying diameters, from 2 inches all the way up to 6 inches, depending on the size of the fish. Moray Eels, family Muraenidae. short-term exposure to conditions that are deleterious in longer time To view them at night, you can set up a red light or the blue moon-lights that are popular nowadays; most nocturnal fish are not bothered by these colors of light. Fenner, Robert. I want to look at Gymnothorax tile, a fish that is usually sold as the “freshwater moray eel.” While the common name of “moray eel” is correctly applied to this fish, it shouldn’t be called “freshwater.” Therefore, I am going to refer to it by its scientific name.

Other than opening the tank for feeding, keep the tank completely covered the rest of the time, and make sure there are not any small spaces from which the eel could escape.

The "typical" aquarium care of Morays

For all three rivers, the total length (LT) and age distributions were consistent; yellow eels captured in the upper brackish water (Aki River: 353.5 ± 77.4 mm and 3.0 ± 0.8 years; Tsuchikawa River: 287.7 ± 87.3 mm and 3.7 ± 1.3 years; Asahi River: 418.2 ± 112.1 mm and 4.2 ± 1.7 years) were smaller and younger than not only those in the fresh water of the two rivers but also those in the lowest brackish water sampling areas (Aki River: 436.0 ± 71.6 mm and 3.8 ± 1.1 years; Tsuchikawa River: 370.9 ± 121.7 mm and 4.9 ± 2.3 years; Asahi River: 558.5 ± 85.9 mm and 5.7 ± 1.7 years).

), scats and monos. Western To start out, it is often best to dangle a piece of shrimp or clam in front of the moray on a feeding stick or loosely tied to the end of a piece of thread.

Bolstering sales of brackish water fish.

Summary.php?ID=17266&genusname=Gymnothorax& They do not need to be fed every day, but they do best with three or four feedings per week. This study evaluated the size and age distributions and otolith microchemistry of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in freshwater and brackish water areas in the Aki and Tsuchikawa rivers for 1 year, and in brackish water areas in the Asahi River for 3 years to understand the movements of Japanese eels between continental habitats of different salinity after recruitment (n = 759). fishes, Wolf Blennies, Wolf Eels; North Atlantic, North Pacific.


As you can appreciate, many fishes are capable of Most notably more Freshwater to Brackish to Also, local fish stores do not always have the correct name for some fish, especially when the fish changes color and pattern as it grows.

II. Keep juveniles in at least 30 gallons; adults can be kept in a 75-gallon tank or larger.

These fish quickly acclimate to the feeding routine, and they often become tame enough that they will come up out of the water to receive their daily fish food. 1995.

They're mainly nocturnal, great at escaping captivity, need large

are rarely seen in the hobby. Learn more.


Pt.s I, Supplies Marketing Magazine.

Use pieces of PVC piping for the cave itself, as these fish love to dig and rearrange things, and if you rely on piles of rock for them to hide in, it is possible that they may rearrange things to bring the entire rock pile down on their heads. Some eels never make it to freshwaters and will instead remain in brackish waters or in sea water. Gymnothorax tile is easily stressed, and having a few hiding places to choose from will greatly reduce any stress on this fish. Fish are found in freshwater, saltwater and all salinities in between.


And of Course, the MANY Marine and Freshwater FW Morays 2, & FAQs on: FW Moray ID, FW Moray Behavior, FW Moray Compatibility, FW Moray Selection, FW Moray Systems, FW Moray Feeding, FW Moray Disease, FW Moray Reproduction,

applies to the partially, temporarily brackish to freshwater species. The brackish aquarium. species of mostly catadromous (living in freshwater as young to

brackish-water fish.

specimen (Fiji, New Guinea ones black and white mottled). Gymnothorax tile and other “freshwater” moray eels are interesting fish to keep. The upper estuary can be an important area for the management of this species because these eels spend their early continental growth life there. Aquarium image of a Philippine

and Worm Eels. Pet The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. Unlike the rest of the eels in this order, however, freshwater eels are those that first spawned in the ocean before moving to freshwater. International 3:4, 75. It also comes in sizes from dwarves that stay around 12 inches to monsters that can grow to 16 feet and are as big around as a man’s thigh. Gymnothorax afer, which comes from the west coast of Africa and gets to be 36 inches or so.

TFH 9/01. Easily

Eel, Swamp Eels, the family Symbranchidae.

Dawes, John. Found in Africa, through Syria, the Malay Odyssea. Scharpf, Christopher. 1922). Anon. 1989.

Fish that traverse from fresh to salt usually do this for a number of reasons. Gos, Michael W. 1977. Another explanation for their movements is that they are ridding themselves of parasites that can’t survive the change in salinity.

mainly seen in public aquaria as they can be enormous (up to 2.5

fed on all fresh or live meaty foods.

Four genera, sixty seven species. An interesting tank could be made of half water and half land, with mudskippers as the other tank inhabitants, as they spend most of their time on the land.

Gymnothorax tile is found in nature over a wide distribution in the estuaries and tidal flats of the Indo-Pacific, especially in the Philippines and Indonesia.

Related FAQs: Freshwater Moray Eels,


It may result from mixing seawater (salt water) with fresh water together, as in estuaries, or it may occur in brackish fossil aquifers. TFH 7/98. by Marco Lichtenberger, Moray Eels in General, Brackish Water Fishes, Freshwater Eels, The Diversity of Aquatic First and foremost, they are not freshwater fish. The American Eel, Anguilla rostrata, In Other Morays that venture from Marine into Brackish to aquatics. fed on all fresh or live meaty foods.

The brackish aquarium.

The next day, she could not find her brichardi anymore, but she did see a very fat G. tile.

These results suggest that Japanese eels inhabiting saline water generally move from the upper estuary as they grow. There is really no need to provide Gymnothorax tile with live food, and they should never be fed feeder goldfish; however, any meaty marine flesh will do just fine for Gymnothorax tile.

Fishes for the brackish aquarium. Towards maturity, they will return to the ocean to reproduce.


brackish water eels

ranges" of pH, hardness, dissolved oxygen and such.

Aquariums everywhere. Whatever the reasons, calling this fish a “freshwater” moray eel is a misnomer — it does not spend much time in freshwater and will not thrive for long in a 100-percent freshwater tank. Because they are nocturnal fish, they will be most active when the lights go out in their tank. dealers in the trade would do well to impress on each other the need

Gymnothorax tile has the typical eel shape, a large mouth armed with a lot of sharp teeth, and a body that is long, cylindrical and smooth. areas. Gentle giants that are favorites of Public

speciesname=tile. Family Anarhichadidae, Wolf An. 1922). considered brackish water organisms (spg 1.005-1.010). Ryoshiro Wakiya, Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University, 1‐13‐27 Kasuga, Bunkyo‐ku, Tokyo 112‐8551, Japan.

Anon. TFH 10/77.

Brackish water is water having more salinity than freshwater, but not as much as seawater. Soc. Of the fifteen genera and more than

At some point, most eels will need to relocate. One genus, fifteen Echidna rhodochilus, which is found in the same locations as. Four genera, fifteen species.

It is also sometimes found in totally freshwater habitats and sometimes in completely salt environments (ideally, between 1.022 to 1.024). Anguilliformes, that turn up occasionally in the hobby). 2, plants, Pt.

This relocation is only temporary though – they remain marine in nature and need the salinity. FAMA 4/95. nature and the aquarium.

Fish on the brink (brackish).

They may simply follow their food sources. Use a good-quality marine salt to make the water brackish (1.010 SG). specimen (Fiji, New Guinea ones black and white mottled).

Of these, two are of principal use to aquarists, being

(It is always best to try and keep a fish with other species that are common to its home environment.

11/96. for some salt in the water of "freshwater morays", as well as

two-hundred species of Muraenids there are a couple of handfuls that Life Series, The Read More Eelcods, Eelpouts... but these others Feeding Gymnothorax tile is not a problem, though they may take a little while to become acclimated to their new surroundings when you bring them home from the local fish store.

brackish members: Moringuidae (Spaghetti Eels), Ophichthidae (Snake 1981. It also comes in sizes from dwarves that stay around 12 inches to monsters that can grow to 16 feet and are as big around as a man’s thigh. Gymno-thorax tile come from brackish waters, and though they may venture into both freshwater and saltwater conditions at times, they require a brackish tank long term.

possibilities. Brackish to Freshwater Settings. Aquarium Digest Other Freshwater to Marine True Eels (Order Anguilliformes, that turn up occasionally in the hobby). sufficient alkalinity, elevated pH.

1989. A freshwater moray eel?

few of the many groups of fishes called "eels" that are not "Freshwater" (Brackish to Marine) Moray Eels, Family Also, before purchasing one, ask the store to feed the fish, so you can make sure it is eating well. Tropical Fish to Avoid.

Other True Eel Families with Members that Live in Brackish to Freshwater Settings More Anguilliform families with freshwater to brackish members: Moringuidae (Spaghetti Eels), Ophichthidae (Snake and Worm Eels, Myrichthys breviceps at right). Gymnothorax polyuranodon, which is found throughout Indonesia and into the Pacific.

of L.A. 4/98.

Shown: Eelblennies, the subfamily Congrogadinae, family. 1978. The easiest way to provide these shelters is simply to use pieces of PVC pipe of varying diameters, from 2 inches all the way up to 6 inches, depending on the size of the fish. Moray Eels, family Muraenidae. short-term exposure to conditions that are deleterious in longer time To view them at night, you can set up a red light or the blue moon-lights that are popular nowadays; most nocturnal fish are not bothered by these colors of light. Fenner, Robert. I want to look at Gymnothorax tile, a fish that is usually sold as the “freshwater moray eel.” While the common name of “moray eel” is correctly applied to this fish, it shouldn’t be called “freshwater.” Therefore, I am going to refer to it by its scientific name.

Other than opening the tank for feeding, keep the tank completely covered the rest of the time, and make sure there are not any small spaces from which the eel could escape.

The "typical" aquarium care of Morays

For all three rivers, the total length (LT) and age distributions were consistent; yellow eels captured in the upper brackish water (Aki River: 353.5 ± 77.4 mm and 3.0 ± 0.8 years; Tsuchikawa River: 287.7 ± 87.3 mm and 3.7 ± 1.3 years; Asahi River: 418.2 ± 112.1 mm and 4.2 ± 1.7 years) were smaller and younger than not only those in the fresh water of the two rivers but also those in the lowest brackish water sampling areas (Aki River: 436.0 ± 71.6 mm and 3.8 ± 1.1 years; Tsuchikawa River: 370.9 ± 121.7 mm and 4.9 ± 2.3 years; Asahi River: 558.5 ± 85.9 mm and 5.7 ± 1.7 years).

), scats and monos. Western To start out, it is often best to dangle a piece of shrimp or clam in front of the moray on a feeding stick or loosely tied to the end of a piece of thread.

Bolstering sales of brackish water fish.

Summary.php?ID=17266&genusname=Gymnothorax& They do not need to be fed every day, but they do best with three or four feedings per week. This study evaluated the size and age distributions and otolith microchemistry of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in freshwater and brackish water areas in the Aki and Tsuchikawa rivers for 1 year, and in brackish water areas in the Asahi River for 3 years to understand the movements of Japanese eels between continental habitats of different salinity after recruitment (n = 759). fishes, Wolf Blennies, Wolf Eels; North Atlantic, North Pacific.


As you can appreciate, many fishes are capable of Most notably more Freshwater to Brackish to Also, local fish stores do not always have the correct name for some fish, especially when the fish changes color and pattern as it grows.

II. Keep juveniles in at least 30 gallons; adults can be kept in a 75-gallon tank or larger.

These fish quickly acclimate to the feeding routine, and they often become tame enough that they will come up out of the water to receive their daily fish food. 1995.

They're mainly nocturnal, great at escaping captivity, need large

are rarely seen in the hobby. Learn more.


Pt.s I, Supplies Marketing Magazine.

Use pieces of PVC piping for the cave itself, as these fish love to dig and rearrange things, and if you rely on piles of rock for them to hide in, it is possible that they may rearrange things to bring the entire rock pile down on their heads. Some eels never make it to freshwaters and will instead remain in brackish waters or in sea water. Gymnothorax tile is easily stressed, and having a few hiding places to choose from will greatly reduce any stress on this fish. Fish are found in freshwater, saltwater and all salinities in between.


And of Course, the MANY Marine and Freshwater FW Morays 2, & FAQs on: FW Moray ID, FW Moray Behavior, FW Moray Compatibility, FW Moray Selection, FW Moray Systems, FW Moray Feeding, FW Moray Disease, FW Moray Reproduction,

applies to the partially, temporarily brackish to freshwater species. The brackish aquarium. species of mostly catadromous (living in freshwater as young to

brackish-water fish.

specimen (Fiji, New Guinea ones black and white mottled). Gymnothorax tile and other “freshwater” moray eels are interesting fish to keep. The upper estuary can be an important area for the management of this species because these eels spend their early continental growth life there. Aquarium image of a Philippine

and Worm Eels. Pet The full text of this article hosted at is unavailable due to technical difficulties. Unlike the rest of the eels in this order, however, freshwater eels are those that first spawned in the ocean before moving to freshwater. International 3:4, 75. It also comes in sizes from dwarves that stay around 12 inches to monsters that can grow to 16 feet and are as big around as a man’s thigh. Gymnothorax afer, which comes from the west coast of Africa and gets to be 36 inches or so.

TFH 9/01. Easily

Eel, Swamp Eels, the family Symbranchidae.

Dawes, John. Found in Africa, through Syria, the Malay Odyssea. Scharpf, Christopher. 1922). Anon. 1989.

Fish that traverse from fresh to salt usually do this for a number of reasons. Gos, Michael W. 1977. Another explanation for their movements is that they are ridding themselves of parasites that can’t survive the change in salinity.

mainly seen in public aquaria as they can be enormous (up to 2.5

fed on all fresh or live meaty foods.

Four genera, sixty seven species. An interesting tank could be made of half water and half land, with mudskippers as the other tank inhabitants, as they spend most of their time on the land.

Gymnothorax tile is found in nature over a wide distribution in the estuaries and tidal flats of the Indo-Pacific, especially in the Philippines and Indonesia.

Related FAQs: Freshwater Moray Eels,


It may result from mixing seawater (salt water) with fresh water together, as in estuaries, or it may occur in brackish fossil aquifers. TFH 7/98. by Marco Lichtenberger, Moray Eels in General, Brackish Water Fishes, Freshwater Eels, The Diversity of Aquatic First and foremost, they are not freshwater fish. The American Eel, Anguilla rostrata, In Other Morays that venture from Marine into Brackish to aquatics. fed on all fresh or live meaty foods.

The brackish aquarium.

The next day, she could not find her brichardi anymore, but she did see a very fat G. tile.

These results suggest that Japanese eels inhabiting saline water generally move from the upper estuary as they grow. There is really no need to provide Gymnothorax tile with live food, and they should never be fed feeder goldfish; however, any meaty marine flesh will do just fine for Gymnothorax tile.

Fishes for the brackish aquarium. Towards maturity, they will return to the ocean to reproduce.

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