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Copeland justified his jet-setting by saying that he could not evangelize without the aircraft. Regardless of what happened, it brought negative publicity to the church and Osteen, who has a reported net worth of more than $50 million. In his extensive career, he has drawn controversy for comments regarding everything from the 9/11 attacks to working with Buddhists. user = "newswires"; It talks about fake pastors and not the real thing." But when Nikole, and her now ex-husband, joined an evangelist megachurch in St. Paul, Minnesota, she had an epiphany which led to her life-changing decision. He bore our sicknesses and carried our diseases.". And he came back strong," he said on his show. The scene is from a lady's experience in a Church. I saw this woman on tv, I hesitate to call her a televangelist because she doesn't fit the traditional image of televangelist, but she is probably mid to late 30's to 40's, long dark hair, and is very learned.