the convent of pleasure summary

ACT II. Enter the Lady Happy, with her Ladies; as also Madam Mediator. Let us see the Clergy to perswade her out, for the good of the Commonwealth. SCENE VIII. THe Jolly Wassel now do bring, With Apples drown'd in stronger Ale, And fresher Syllibubs, and sing; Then each to tell their Love-sick Tale: So home by Couples, and thus draw Our selves by holy Hymen's Law. L. Happy. Prin. Madam, my Lord desires you to command whatsoever you please, and it shall be obey'd. Prin. must he be supported?

I believe, the gods are better pleased with Praises then Fasting; but when the Senses are dull'd with abstinency, the Body weakned with fasting, the Spirits tir'd with watching, the Life made uneasie with pain, the Soul can have but little will to worship: only the Imagination doth frighten it into active zeal, which devotion is rather forced then voluntary; so that their prayers rather flow out of their mouth, then spring from their heart, like rain-water that runs thorow Gutters, or like Water that's forced up a Hill by Artificial Pipes and Cisterns.

for, What profit or pleasure can it be to the gods to have Men or Women wear coarse Linnen or rough Woollen, or to flea their skin with Hair-cloth, or to eat or sawe thorow their flesh with Cords? The Embassador kneels and kisses her Hand. To further emphasize the restrictions of marriage, the play includes a play-within-a-play that depicts the physical and emotional pains of being a wife, redirecting female desires toward other spheres (pp.

But they imploy Women in all Places in their Gardens; and for Brewing, Baking and making all sorts of things; besides, some keep their Swine, and twenty such like Offices and Employments there are which we should be very proper for. Now, Noble Friends, Dance you; and the Princess, and I, will rest our selves. Is the Lady deliver'd, she was withall? I desire you would be my Mistress, and I your Servant; and upon this agreement of Friendship I desire you will grant me one Request. L. Happy. 1 Lady. An Epilogue says he, the devil an Epilogue have I: let me study. Loves Adventures (1662) centers on a woman succeeding in war and diplomacy by passing as a man. Out upon him! 2 (2008): 419-42. Cit. It will not prove Villany, for we shall do Nature good service. Enter Lady Happy drest as a Shepherdess; She walks very Melancholy, then speaks as to her self. Visualizing Speakers in Drama by Gender. But whom shall we get to present us to the Lady Happy?

0000000016 00000 n Smith, Kelsey Brooke. Thus from the Earth a Tribute I Receive, which shews my power thereby Besides, my Kingdom's richer far Then all the Earth and every Star. Takepl. Mediat. I can neither deny you my Love nor Person.

Enter Monsieur Adviser, Courtly, Take-pleasure, and Facil.

Convent of Pleasure reveals the difficulties of disentangling - let alone opposing - performance and performativity. The Scene is opened, and there is presented a Rock as in the Sea, whereupon sits the Princess and the Lady Happy; the Princess as the Sea-God Neptune, the Lady Happy as a Sea-Goddess: the rest of the Ladies sit somewhat lower, drest like Water-Nymphs; the Princess begins to speak a Speech in Verse, and after her the Lady Happy makes her Speech. At the same time, women were developing an evasive coded language to express such desires in their own lives. Nay, if he had I care not: for I defie the Flesh as much as I renounce the Devil, and the pomp of this wicked World; but if I could but have sav'd my young sweet Virgins, I would willingly have sacrificed my body for them; for we are not born for our selves but for others. Lady Happy and Madam Mediator engage in a lengthy philosophical discourse on pleasure and marriage.

3 Gent. L. Happy. Lady Happy and the Prince are married. Madam Mediator arrives and announces that a prince is in disguise within the convent.

Cit. Lady. Not if it be her fortune to continue in that name. The Prince promises to maintain the convent for virgins and widows. I approve of it with admiration and wonder, that one that is so young should be so wise. Enter the Princess in Masculine Shepherd's Clothes.

But I shall weep, my inward Grief shall show Through Floods of Tears, that through my Eyes will flow. Mediat. doi:10.1353/sel.0.0002., 437, [2] Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish. 0000001197 00000 n The Convent of Pleasure and Other Plays. Well, Madam Mediator, when we return from our Recreations, I will ask your pardon, for saying, your eyes are dim, conditionally you will ask pardon for saying, my Mistress looks not well. 0000002300 00000 n Cavendish’s “The Convent of Pleasure” is a humorous account of Lady Happy’s decision to oppose the idea of marriage by living in a convent. Advis.

I have brought my Son into the World with great pains, bred him with tender care, much pains and great cost; and must he now be hang'd for killing a Man in a quarrel? Dost thou think I shall get the Lady Happy?

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